

This week I want to spend some time on Hope. I sense everywhere I turn hopelessness that wants to invade everyone. We lose hope and feel overwhelmed when we take our eyes off of Jesus and put it onto our circumstances or problems.  It is a sure way to feel the...
Marriage wasn’t what I expected.

Marriage wasn’t what I expected.

I watched an amazing clip today about a young man who got married but was quickly disillusioned by married life. Somehow, the wonderful woman he married had changed, and wasn’t so loving, kind and wonderful after marriage. He desperately wanted to get out of the...
Giant Slayer

Giant Slayer

You are a giant slayer! We all have a story. If you feel your marriage or relationship is so damaged and broken the point of hopelessness I want to encourage you today. Believe me, nothing is impossible with God.My marriage was a disaster. I actually killed my...
Lens Change

Lens Change

I am passionate about helping marriages be rewarding, enjoyable and full of fun moments. Too many married couples live together, but do not really share life. They made a commitment, but feel stuck in a life where it feels like they are like two passing ships in the...