You are a giant slayer!
We all have a story. If you feel your marriage or relationship is so damaged and broken the point of hopelessness I want to encourage you today. Believe me, nothing is impossible with God.
My marriage was a disaster. I actually killed my husband’s love for me. I had a man who was so in love with me when we got married and slowly I had drained the love out of him. BUT I have good news. By God’s grace and mercy He helped me and showed me how to win back my husband and his love. I can truly testify that we are so in love again and has been for 18 years now after the crisis.
I have so many testimonies of God doing exactly that for other women as well. Please don’t give up.
I feel a lot of hopelessness today is because we see ourselves through the eyes of our enemy, the devil and not through the eyes of God. If we focus on what God says about us and not what the devil does, we will feel a whole lot differently. If you see yourself as a grasshopper like the spies in the book of Joshua, you will feel like you are overwhelmed by life an just everything. however, Joshua and Caleb saw themselves as God saw them. They were mighty men of God with an all mighty God beside them.
I want to encourage you today to see yourself as a giant killer and to not be afraid of the giants. You have the Spirit of the Living God inside of you empowering you, equipping you and fighting for and through you. You are an overcomer! You can do all things through Jesus Christ living in you! You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You are His beloved. You can do this! You are stronger than you feel. You are a victor, not a victim!